How To Write an SEO Friendly Blog: Five Tips

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If you’re going to write an SEO friendly blog, you should probably start with understanding the very basics of SEO.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of improving your website or blog visibility in search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. SEO can result in an increase in keyword rankings, leading to an overall traffic increase on your website or blog.

Here are 5 tips on creating an SEO friendly blog post:

Pick Keywords

What is your blog about? What are the topics discussed in your blog?

These are questions to ask yourself before picking one main keyword, and the niche vocabulary around it. Make sure to pick a title based on your main points. Entering keywords into titles of blog can improve the visibility of a particular article significantly.

Hint: If you’re writing a blog on “Best SEO Practices,” you may want to include that somewhere in your title. And make sure you do not overuse the keyword in your blog posts.

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Meta Descriptions

Meta descriptions allows for you to write what your whole blog is about in just a few sentences. This appears under the link title on a search engine page. The description gives the reader an insight to your post before they have to read the whole thing. Be creative because it can lead to more reads!

Use Images

Let’s be real, people in today’s society quickly lose attention. No one wants to read a blog without any catchy images. Plain and simple. People are visual learners. If you add pictures to your blog, it allows the reader to understand the content. And… it keeps them engaged!

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URL Structure

It’s important to have a concise URL. When you’re spreading word about your blog, it’ll help your potential readers easily remember the URL, and to share it with their network. In addition, URL Structure helps people make sense of what the blog may be about.

Use internal links

This is a great way to keep traffic on your website and have your blog post be more interactive. Having internal links is like killing two birds with one stone in SEO. If your blog is getting more traction then more people will see your links to your personal website, thus getting more traction on your website as well allowing both your blog and website move up in search rankings.

See? It’s not that hard! Following these 5 tips will ensure you have an SEO friendly blog post!