Mastering the Art of Storytelling

Storytelling is the fabric of our society. We share our days with our friends and families. We talk about our adventures. We read stories for entertainment and celebrate the triumphs of others. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Snapchat even allow users to create videos from their day, and they’re called—you guessed it—stories. Not much has changed with over thousands of years of human history, and stories are just as powerful online as they have been around a campfire.

Stories help us share values, communicate our emotions, and create conversations. They can be used to teach, to illustrate, to motivate, and inspire. They build trust and relationships, and they form and shape our identities. At Mabbly, we tell the real stories of individuals who dare to be different. We’ve mastered the art of storytelling as a premier Chicago digital marketing agency to share the inspiration behind purpose-driven brands.

More Than Information

Marketing isn’t about eye-catching website animations and witty headlines. It also needs more creativity than technical manuals or product guides. If you’re trying to learn a new skill, then chances are that you’re looking for a balance between “show” and “tell.” A dry, detailed spec sheet may communicate the value of a product, but it won’t communicate it in a way that people will actually read.

Storytelling makes information more personal. It’s not about creating demand. Even in the most technical or straightforward of industries, people want a story. Case studies show how businesses use and benefit from a specific product or service. Testimonials and reviews let consumers share their experiences. It’s about speaking to the needs of individuals and showing how one founder, one company, or one brand is here to help. In fact, 92% of consumers want brands to make ads that feel like a story.

Where Does It Work?

Storytelling is universal, and its practical application in marketing is crucial for business to business and business to consumer communications. From the hero image of a landing page to your “about us” section and testimonials, websites are visual mediums for storytelling. Beautiful scenic landscapes with Patagonia-equipped adventures tell the tale of exploration and bravery. Weight Watchers shows the smiling faces of their success stories.

Marketing isn’t about selling products, it’s about selling stories. Even the most technical services are using storytelling to reach their customers. IBM’s Watson is a supercomputer with advanced artificial intelligence and analytic software, and they’ve partnered with the Tribeca Film Festival to create an event, “Storytellers with Watson: A Competition for Innovation.” Their website isn’t focused on the technical specifications or amount of processing power. It’s focused on helping brands tell their stories, and use powerful artificial intelligence to do so.

Share Your Story

At Mabbly, we’ve mastered the art of storytelling. We’re not a marketing firm of walls and cubicles. We’re a Tribe. Our artistry is honed by history and driven by audience applause. We tell your story, to your audience, in a way that speaks to them and builds your relationship. As the premier Chicago digital marketing agency, we learn your “Why,” so we can ask, “Why Not?”