Why Employee Engagement Activities Should Be at the Core of your Brand

At Mabbly, we work by the idea that culture makes the brand – while understanding that the brand is what makes the business. But what makes the culture? And how does it relate to employee engagement?

The culture of an organization can ultimately come down to the habits of activity that the whole team regularly engages in. This is why harnessing engagement activities is essential if you want to cultivate a culture of engagement.

Try some of these engaging ideas to energize your team and bring life to your brand:

Utilize Engagement Tech

Motivational outings and speakers aren’t always the most sustainable way to to keep your team interested and engaged. This is where employee engagement tech comes in – delivering scalable and sustainable engagement solutions.

Rearrange the Office

Breaking up the daily humdrum, and getting your team to be actively present can be as simple as rearranging your office environment. Periodically switch this up to prevent your team from getting into a monotonous groove.


Align the Whole Team with your Organizational Purpose

Be sure to systematize your onboarding process for new team members, as well as keep veterans up to date on any developments. People need to know the “why” behind their work just as much as the “what” – so keep your team aligned to keep them engaged.

Build Teamwork

Team building exercises that involve solving some kind of puzzle, or even physically building something, is a great way to bring out a sense of togetherness in your employees. Having these activities regularly will keep your whole team connected and ready to work together.

Celebrate Wins – Both Big and Small

Major wins only come along every once in a while – so that’s why it’s important to recognize and celebrate the little wins along the way. This lets your team know they are making progress and that their hard work is paying off.

Recognize Outstanding Performance

Too often people who go above and beyond are taken for granted. This leads to your best and most hardworking employees feeling under-appreciated and disengaged. Keep ahead of this and frequently recognize stellar performance.  

Make Positive Feedback the Rule

Research in positive psychology has shown that ‘constructive criticism’ is rarely constructive – and therefore almost entirely ineffective. This is why you should focus on providing positive feedback to your employees to engage them and inspire top performance.

Share Company Secrets

When people feel they are privy to special information, they feel like they are an important part of something. This is why frequently sharing significant information with your team is a vital part of keeping them engaged. These don’t have to major secrets – just anything of significance that keeps your team feeling like they are a part of a group.

Envision Success

Having your team contemplate and write down their goals for the future – and how they see your organization playing into those goals – is a great way to keep your team motivated and actively striving to improve.

Show Your Passion

When you lead with passion you inspire it in your team. Showing your passion stimulates a culture that embraces enthusiasm in everything from the big picture to routine tasks.