Chicago Digital Agency: Our Expert Digital Marketing Services

Starting a business can be easy but growing it is hard. Thanks to the internet, it’s become pretty easier to reach millions of people, acquire leads, and grow your sales. 

With proven digital marketing plans, top brands can easily build their online presence and reach out to the target audience, thereby increasing sales and revenue.

However, to get the best and most-effective results from digital marketing, you’ll need the expertise of a professional digital agency. Here at Mabbly, we have helped enterprise-level companies such as Microsoft, Ameda, Crane, Safe Rate, and other businesses to build TRAFFIC, LEADS, and SALES.

We have a team of professional digital marketing agents who can drive massive awareness for your brand — so that you can become well-known in the digital space. 

Why not start working with a digital agency that offers everything your marketing team needs to reach an audience, create awareness, connect with prospects, generate traffic, and increase revenue. Collaborate with us today and get results faster.


How Can We Help Your Business To Become A Brand? Here Are Some Digital Marketing Services We Offer:

1) Web Design and Development

Did you know that having an online presence is essential to any business? The look of your online presence tells your target audience more about your business? 

Yes! Visitors to your website would judge your brand by what your website looks like and if it’s their first time visiting your website, this will leave a lasting impression on them.  

So, if you are interested in an attractive, functional, well-structured, and mobile-ready website that will help in increasing your brand’s online marketing presence, Mabbly can help you achieve that!

We offer professional website design and development services that help your business to reach out to a wide audience. 

We design and develop creative and responsive websites that make a lasting first impression on your visitors. These are what you enjoy when you engage our service: 

Custom-Made Website Design

To create a website tailored to your brand, our website design team starts with customized counseling to know your type of business and what you want out of the website.

Our website design team would then devote their time to research more on your business. Knowing the need of your business and website is very essential in deciding the type of website to build for your business and how to deliver your website faster and better than your competitors’.

The types of websites available include agency website, news site, brochure site, eCommerce website, static website, dynamic website, etc.

After evaluating your needs, we will then proceed to build a website that would effectively speak for your business, even in years to come.

Responsive Website Design

Nowadays, nobody wants to waste their time on an ever-loading webpage. Studies showed that an internet user leaves a web page if it doesn’t load in a few seconds. 

In fact, a one-second delay in page load time can result in a huge loss for your business.

At Mabbly, a Chicago Digital Agency, one of our top goals is ensuring seamless use of your website by your visitors. To achieve this, we create websites that are responsive to all devices. 

This means your website would render perfectly on any device it is accessed from – mobile phones, smart devices, tablets, desktop, etc.

More so, most people now access the Internet using their smartphones. So, having a responsive website keeps you ahead of your competitors by optimizing accessibility to your website. 

This will ultimately enhance your visitor’s access and navigation around your website when they visit your website, making them enjoy their experience on your website.

We also understand that sometimes your website may look pretty but has poor codes. This will make it difficult for your website to accomplish extraordinary results. 

But to make your website found by Google and your prospects, we will review your codes and utilize codes that would help to index your website faster and enable your website to load faster and effectively on a variety of browsers.

Do you like our solutions and would like to become one of our customers? Then let’s get started today!

2) Search Engine Optimization

Having an engaging and responsive website isn’t enough. Your website must be optimized for your target audience to find your website. 

In fact, SEO is an essential aspect of digital marketing. SEO helps your website and its content to become search engine-friendly so that it is accessible to more audiences.

Do you want to get your website to the first page on Google SERP? Do you want to generate a constant flow of organic traffic to your website? Our SEO service is your perfect solution. 

We can help your website to get a prominent place on Google SERP with our SEO techniques, which include:

  • Creating professional, engaging, valuable, and easy-to-read content for your web pages and blog.
  • Properly coding and writing the page title, title tags, Meta tags, and content for each web page.
  • Using alt tags for images rightly.
  • Using of link-building properly
  • Submitting your website to Internet search engines (Google, Bing, and Yahoo, etc.).
  • Including your website into business directories for strong inbound links.

The techniques above are just a tip of the SEO procedures we follow to increase your website SERP ranking. These services are rarely offered by amateur digital agencies. So, it is very important to get a professional digital agency like Mabbly to perform each of them correctly.

Did you also know that your web content has an important role to play in Search Engine Optimization!

Yes! SEO starts and ends with the content on your website. So it is important to have unique content that is accurately written and embedded with relevant keywords to raise your ranking. 

After we have written the web content, we follow a few other optimization steps, such as properly coding the content title, page name/title, META tags, snippets, etc. using sensible keywords to increase your website’s rankings. 

Mind you, these are not all about our SEO service. To have a better understanding of our SEO services at Mabbly, here’s a list of our SEO services.

Initial Website SEO Analysis Report

Before we begin with any effective SEO Campaign on your website, Our SEO professionals will have to first conduct a total and comprehensive review of your website to know its current stand in terms of its ranking on SERPs.

Then we will determine anything that can potentially prevent your website from attaining exceptional SERPs ranking.

Keyword Evaluation and Keyword Research

Why should you waste money on optimizing the wrong keywords or phrases? At Mabbly, we make use of advanced tools to evaluate high organic-traffic keywords and phrases for your website.

This involves evaluating the current use of keywords on your website. Chances are that you are using the wrong keywords in your web content or using the right keywords insufficiently. Or perhaps, you are practicing keyword stuffing or not inserting keywords strategically.

With this, we will be able to tell you how many times a keyword or phrase is used but should have been strategically used to attain high rankings. Then we will conduct keyword research to know the specific keywords your website should rank for.  

Content Action Plans

Sometime, you may be lost when it comes to adding new web pages to your site or broadening the current information on your site. 

Fine, you may have access to professional SEO content writers but you may not know what to tell them to write about. If you are in the shoe, we’ve got you covered.

With our content action plans perfectly tailored to your website, we will help you to increase the range of new pages or information to add to your website through brainstorming and the discovering of new areas for content marketing.

In-Depth SEO Competitors Analysis and On-Site/Off-Site Linking Evaluation

With our SEO service, we will help you to understand the competitions you face online daily. We will also review all the links that direct visitors to your website from other websites (backlinks) based on their trust value, page rank strength, and quality.

We will also evaluate these links to assess where your website’s strengths and weaknesses lie. 

We will conduct Page Rank Flow and supply to determine which of your web pages has the most worth. We will also identify which part of your website attracts the most organic links as well as their demographics.

Page Optimization

Our SEO experts will restructure your webpages to make them search engine friendly. We will make sure your website is optimized to appear on the first page of SERPs and also contain human-friendly marketing content.

Social Networking Analysis and Implementation

This involves an in-depth analysis of your business’ current status on social media platforms along with all the tactical planning implemented. 

Our social marketers will find out how exactly your business is currently leveraging social networks to reach out to prospects and how it can use the social network better to reach out to more audiences.

Link Building

Did you know that most search engines, especially Google, consider how many other websites link to your website (backlink) to determine how important your website is? 

Hence, it is important to know if any website links to your website and how many of them. 

Finding these out is a difficult task. But at Mabbly Agency, we are experienced at using several tools and processes to collect these links and help you enhance your incoming link popularity.

Social Bookmarking

With our social bookmarking service, we may submit your posts, blogs, articles, or any other website content to several social network platforms, such as Reddit, Digg, etc. 

This technique provides you with organic traffic and backlinks from social media and also allows readers of these social platforms to feature links to your site, especially if your site contains good and relevant articles.

Social Media Profile Designs and Mentions

This service is good for sentiment analysis of your website. Foremost, we can help your business create a marketing profile on over 300 social media platforms, which include the popular Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, MySpace, Reddit, Delicious, and Digg.

Mentions about your business on these social platforms referred to as “social mentions” are now one of the important ranking elements in Google’s algorithm. We will actively post your blog or web content with links on these social platforms to improve your backlinks through social networking sites.

Google Analytics

You need to get a better understanding of your customers, where they are from and what they do on your website. As a result, we offer installation of Google Analytics on your website(s) to help you with detailed traffic reporting to help you take further actions.

Installing Google Analytics on your website is one of the most significant things you can do for your website. It is often ignored by most business owners who are not familiar with the tool.

But using the tool helps you to learn many important things about your visitors – such as who they are, what encourages them to visit your website, why they didn’t purchase from you, who you should target for advertising, etc.

All websites created by Mabbly come with Google Analytics pre-installed. But in case your existing website doesn’t have Google Analytics yet, we can help you install it too. There is a reason why Google Analytics is installed on your site. 

So, at Mabbly, we will help you analyze the statistics for better understanding.

We understand how to use the data generated by Google Analytics to improve upon your website to enhance the user experience of visitors to your website. 

We can also use the data to make the necessary changes to your website to improve your marketing. This will help you to make smarter decisions to better target your prospects.

Social Media Optimization and Social Media Marketing

Social media optimization is free and generates organic traffic while social media marketing comes at a cost and generates paid traffic.

Social Media is a very powerful tool in digital marketing, which can help with brand awareness and lead generation. With lots of people on social media platforms, it not surprising that social media is now an important tool for aggressive and effective online marketing. 

Our digital marketers at Chicago Digital Agency can handle all forms of social media optimization and social media marketing on almost all social networks. We provide extensive social media campaigns that produce better results for our customers and also help them with social media management 

Mabbly works hand-in-hand with customers to improve their business’ Return on Investment (ROI) and cost per lead (CPL).

Our first move involves looking critically at how your competitors are using social networks. 

Then we would be able to provide your business with a custom-based social media package that includes ideas generation, curating of relevant and engaging content (written, visual, video), and timely publishing of content to reach and attract the target audience.

PPC and Google Ad

PPC means Pay-Per-Click, which in simple terms means paid ads. It generates more traffic than search engine optimization. By using our PPC Ad techniques, you will be driving more traffic to your website at a low cost.

Take it or leave it, lots of people are searching for your targeted keywords on the Internet every day. And if your website is not optimized, then you are missing out. But it takes time to grow in ranking on SERPs with SEO. 

Hence you need PPC and Google Ad.

At Mabbly, we take care of your PPC campaigns – Paid Social Campaigns and Paid Search – and also manage your Ad. Our goal is to increase traffic to your website and we make use of several marketing strategies, such as: 

PPC (Pay Per Click) 

A PPC campaign gives you more control over search results than organic SEO. With our effective PPC service, your website can compete relatively quickly for keywords and phrases that would have otherwise taken so much time to have it been organic SEO. 

Most times, it may take a long time for new websites to rank high on SERPs, but with our PPC campaign, even the newest websites can generate traffic almost immediately through the use of Bing Ads, Google Adwords, etc. 

Nowadays, online advertisement is highly competitive and demands smarter strategies for success to be achieved. And one of the best smart strategies is PPC.

At Mabbly, we can provide your business with a PPC campaign that generates impressive results at a low cost. 

Leveraging both SEO and PPC helps to create a synergy that improves the performance of both strategies to give you a better result.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

This is another strategy used by Mabbly. It is a paid service that enables business owners to market their products and services and drive in more sales by using the Google search engine and Google partner sites. 

These are ads offered by Mabbly that appear on top of search page results or Google affiliate sites. They also include targeted ads, behavioral retargeting ads, automated ads, etc.

Our marketing experts will use the SEM strategy to drive the most desired prospects to your site at a very small cost. This strategy also enables even small businesses and newer websites to contend with larger businesses and older websites. 

Hence SMM delivers outstanding results at a very low cost. More so, you may not need to do any social engine optimization of your site to benefit from Search Engine Marketing.

Both PPC and SEM increase the amount of traffic to your site.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Driving traffic to your website is not enough but converting the traffic into lead and customers is the goal. 

Therefore, you need to make sure that you maximize the conversions you get from the traffic generated by PPC and SEM. 

To make this possible, we utilize the latest Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) technology to increase conversions of this traffic on your website.

Content Marketing

Did you know that your web content drives every other digital marketing element? Oh Yes! Great engaging web content coupled with good, responsive, and mobile web design drives a significant amount of traffic to your website, generating lasting engagement and sales. 

At Mabbly, our content marketing strategy starts with strategy development, keyword researching, creative content development, content editing, content publishing to your blog or website, and breathtaking designs to bring out a finished content that drives conversion.

To reach to a wide range of audience, we can develop and design breathtaking content in any of these forms:

  • Articles
  • Case Studies
  • Checklists 
  • Ebooks
  • Infographics
  • Research Reports
  • Slideshare Decks
  • Social Media Content
  • Templates
  • Videos
  • Whitepaper
  • Wikipedia Articles, etc.

We will help you to increase traffic to your website from your online marketing channels or any other marketing channel using powerful content with strategically-used keywords. 

We have an array of content writers, who are well-experienced in producing relevant and catchy content to attract your audience, engage them, build their trust, and influence their purchasing decisions. 

With valuable and compelling content that attracts your audience, you will earn the trust of your readers. Research shows that the more the audience gets to engage with your content, the more likely they would patronize your goods or services. 

More so, websites that post regular content received eight times more traffic than websites that do not. 

Also, content marketing yields three times more leads than outbound marketing.

Being a more effective form of advertising, we will help your business write content that will generate traffic and improve your entire online presence.

When you engage us for your content marketing, the first step we take is to develop a unique strategy. We will carry out deep research on your buyer’s persona to know, understand, and learn more about your customers. 

This will help us to curate content that will appeal to them. Also, we will develop a content calendar. This will enable us to know what topic(s) we should write about and when the content should be published. 

Even after writing the content, we don’t publish yet until we have sent you the content in advance to approve.

Content Development

We don’t write casual or wishy-washy content. Our content is professionally written, well-structured, well-edited, and published internally to ensure the consistency of good quality content for your website. We don’t plagiarize content. 

Our content is unique to your business and would be published on your website alone. We go as far as publishing the content on your website, blog or any other CMS.

Content Distribution

To ensure your content reaches out to your audience, we include content distribution to our content marketing services. 

We will distribute your content to other websites, social networking platforms like Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, etc. 

If you want a more robust content distribution strategy, we offer email marketing services, social media advertising services, social media management services, etc. all these can help you to reach out to more audiences with your content.

Email Marketing

An email marketing campaign is a very good lead generation tool. But nowadays, lots of spam emails, unsolicited, and broadcast emails fill out inbox. As a result, most people have turned to filters to get rid of these intrusive emails.

But you wouldn’t want your well-written, carefully-crafted email marketing messages to end up in the spam folder or, worse still, deleted dismissively. 

So you need the service of an email marketing agency. Our email marketing service is economical, convenient, and efficient. With our service, your email marketing campaign can reach out to both existing and new customers.

Our email marketing services include:

  • Content Integration for every newsletter
  • Email List Generation
  • Email List Rental
  • Integration of Facebook & Twitter for automated posts
  • Integration of Google Analytics
  • List Management
  • Newsletter Account Setup
  • Newsletter Template Design
  • Proofreading
  • Reports

To ensure that your email marketing gets delivered to your prospects and your lead generation becomes successful, we make use of what is referred to as opt-in emails, also known as permission marketing. 

Here your prospects (recipients) would be made to agree to receive your emails. This makes your emails relevant to them, thus, boosting the chances of their conversions.

We will also set up some strategies on your website, social network accounts, and other media channels to motivate your prospects to gladly submit their contact details including email addresses.

Our email marketing services:

  • Use creative HTML – we design a beautiful and well-designed HTML template for your email that your prospects will love.
  • Targets audience – our email marketing allows you to customize and segment your target markets.

Generates immediate response – our service generated results within days.

Give quantifiable results – email marketing campaigns handled by us are fully measurable.

Social Media Management

There are lots of options when it comes to connecting with your audience nowadays. One of them is the social media platform. The social media sites are a very good platform to connect with a large audience, customers, and prospects. 

Presently, there are over 65 social media networks globally, which include Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, Reddit, Vine, Snapchat, etc.

Each of these social media has different groups of people using them, a different mode of operation, its strengths and weaknesses for business solutions.

Although having a strong social media presence is very crucial to the success of any business today, it is also very important for business owners to know which of the social media is best for them.

And having a social media presence is not as good as having enough time to engage with your customers and prospects on social media. Otherwise, your prospects may just move on to your competitor.

At Mabbly, we can help enterprise-level companies to manage all of your social media profiles as well as make your social media advertisement for you. 

To achieve this, we will prepare a customized plan for your business, create and post content through your profile, and respond to your audience to increase your engagement with them.

Remember, more engaged social media followers translate into more sales. We have helped some of our customers to triple their followings and increase their leads by more than 500%. We can help you too.

Market Research

You need to carry out market research to analyze all of your competitors who offer similar products or services as you do. 

The market research and analysis will help you to ascertain your direct and indirect competitors, where there is the highest demand for your products, your consumers’ behavior, new ideas, pricing strategy, the latest innovation, and the current trend in the market.

The result translates into reporting of useful data, opportunity analysis, and reliable review for successful marketing recommendations. 

Our market research service holds great value for business owners who are:

  • About entering a new market;
  • Launching a new product or service;
  • Seeking to increase their marketing effectiveness;
  • Seeking to know what to do next in their business.

Why Market Research Is So Important To Your Business

As a business manager or founder, you need to know what you are getting yourself into. So, you need to gather all the necessary information to support your goal for the business. 

The market research will also indicate if your product or service will be profitable and well-accepted or not.

If the result of the market research shows a positive ROI, this is an inspiration to forge ahead with the business, otherwise, it is expedient to stop wasting any more resources on the business.

If you’re in a competitive industry, our market research service will help you to know how your business is currently performing and where it needs improvement.

How Does Our Market Research Work?

Once we have conducted market research for your business, we will instruct you on what to do and how to use marketing strategies in the most effective way to grow your business.

Contact Us Today

We Are Your Online One-Stop for Digital Marketing Service.

Mabbly offers a wide range of end-to-end digital marketing services, such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), SEM, Website Design and Development, Content management, etc. 

Our digital services are professional and focused on providing the solutions that your business needs.