Digital Marketing Services: Social Media

While the advent of social media is relatively new, it has become increasingly popular over the years. This ever-changing medium is constantly evolving and developing into new mediums. From Facebook to Twitter to Snapchat to Instagram, social media has become a part of millions of people’s lives.

While it’s easy to think that social media is just for young people and it’s all about posting last night’s dinner, 73% of “online adults” are using social media. Not having a social media plan is like walking into a cave blind. Developing a social media strategy that involves connecting with your target audience, as well as building relationships with them is very important for any business’s digital marketing plan.

marketing servicesThis explains why many businesses, both big and small, have taken to social media to get the word out about their company. But, what some people don’t realize is the fact that having a poorly managed social media profile is worse than having no social media at all.

If your target market is on social media, you should be too. However, it’s important to note that you should only be on social media that is prevalent and useful for your audience. If not, your content will not resonate with your audience. According to the most recent report from BI Intelligence, Instagram (versus Facebook and Twitter) is more popular among teens, while LinkedIn is more popular than Twitter among adults.

Thanks to social media, communication between brands and their audiences has been forever changed. While traditional media promotes one-way communication, social media thrives on two-way communication. Here, the audience has the power to speak with the brand, which allows the customer to have a say in how the brand does things. Listen to your audience, they will tell you what they want, and remember to engage with them whether the comments were positive or negative.

digital media marketing servicesAnother thing to remember is that you should be pushing relevant content to your audience, not just promoting your brand. Stay consistent with your brand, but be a thought leader for your industry rather than using social media as another place to promote your own ads.

All in all, if your social media plan is executed properly, you should have an active audience, who genuinely cares about the brand and what you’re doing. Don’t forget to create goals, identify your audience, and measure results. If you don’t think you’re equip to execute a social media program, consider hiring a digital marketing agency to handle all of your social media needs.