How to Optimize Your Sales Using Email and Facebook Marketing Campaign

Targeting a larger audience is always the key motive for all online marketers. With a large audience, there is an increase in sales, new potential customers, and popularity of the product. Using Facebook on its own may just be successful. Using email on its own too may just be fine, but combining the two is like doubling the results. People might see your advertisement on Facebook and fail to click or even take a quick glance; others might see it and forget about it in a second. Well, if they see the advertisement on Facebook and consistently receive the same in their email, they might get interested.

Here is how to combine Facebook and email for an amazing ecommerce marketing campaign:

Creating Facebook Audiences from Email Lists

It is now evident that combining both email and Facebook in marketing programs is highly fruitful. You can do this by creating Facebook audiences from email lists. If using CRM software such as Hubspot, Mailchimp or Salesforce, it is possible to download your contacts CLV file and upload it to Facebook’s Audience tab.

Creating Lookalikes

Facebook will get you audiences with features matching those of your uploaded contact list. It is still possible for the lookalike audience to produce a broader audience. The longer the email list means a more identical lookalike audience since Facebook will have large data to choose from. With this, you can be sure of the optimal reach in your marketing campaign.

Marketing Analysis

Measurement of the effectiveness of a marketing campaign may involve statistics such as the preferences of customers, and it is also the most effective way to conduct future campaigns. Whether it is Facebook or email marketing campaign that emerges the most effective, you might prefer investing more time and finance on that method. However, according to e-commerce experts, combining both is highly productive. Though combining both is quite an effort, the results are worth it.

How to Grow Your Email Recipients and Facebook Followers

For a successful campaign, there has to be an organized way on how it is run. This involves crucial activities such as an effective email campaign management, which is the planning and execution of email marketing campaigns. Tricks such as offering incentives to any user who clicks your advertisement are recommended. Campaign management involves following up your campaign from the time of inception to the time it is launched and analysis of its results. For a successful marketing campaign, the following must be addressed:

Audience Segmentation

It is annoying to come across an advertisement that looks out of context or does not match any of your interests. This can be solved by targeting the right audience for an advert by using predefined tributes such as age, residence, race, marital status, income, activities, or gender.

Content Development

Also known as inbound marketing, content development is a way of engaging customers by providing general information such as value. The content should not only be about the product but also the larger market in which it falls under.

Email Automation

Emails are sent automatically rather than manually. Automated emails include Identifier, Invitation, and Autoresponder emails.

Message Personalization

Companies have come up with this trick in which their advertisement appears to a customer who just searched for their product.

For successful product promotion and marketing, email campaign operation should be addressed throughout the campaign cycle. This is precisely because despite combining both Facebook and email methods, the email method is considered more effective. Note that it is very important to have your budget aligning with the number of people you are targeting. Also, remember to use eye-popping pictures in your advertisement to draw your audience’s attention. You can also apply little touches such as highlighting, use of arrows, and drawing red circles to engage your audience.